Support. Grow. Build.

1820 Properties

Real Homes For Real People

Who We Are
1820 Properties owners Alex Kube and David Broesky bring years of experience in the construction and multi-family unit industry and aim to develop living accommodations for a wide demographic of people, so there’s something for everyone. Tenants can trust that their space will be beautifully designed, while having all the amenities they need to function, regardless of family size and budget.

What We Do
We specialize in multi-family residential construction and also have the skills and resources to build and develop land for commercial purposes. Land development services include acquisition, zoning, financing, construction, and sales.

Looking for a rental?

Fill out a rental or property management application form so we can get the process started. We look forward to working with you!

Looking To Invest?
We always have multiple investment opportunities on the go. Whether buying your first rental property or investing in your first, let’s talk- we’re sure to find the best way to put your investment dollars to work.

Current Projects

1820 Properties is proud to have built homes across Southeast Manitoba! Locations include:

The 4-1-1 on 1820

Read what our satisfied clients have to say about their experience with 1820 Properties.

Coming Soon!
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